March 9th Chamber Members’ Meeting
Here is the video link to the March 9th, 2022 public Chamber Member’s Meeting.
Quick Recap:
Junior Achievement (JA) presentation from Davina Comstock:
- The JA program is seeking Business Mentors/Volunteers to assist in the implementation of a Financial Literacy program geared towards High River Grade 6 students.
- This would entail up to 6 hours total commitment from business owner, 1 to 2 for training on how to facilitate the in class program and the remainder for the in class elements.
- This is at the very forefront of the meeting, we highly recommend you watch.
- Contact Davina from JASouth to get set up: dcomstock@jasouthalberta.orgStay tuned for an upcoming Shop Local campaign and multi-faceted community and business oriented website launch
- ALL High River Business owners will receive campaign window clings for involvement and invite to our launch party
- Sign up to our Newsletter to stay in the loop: Booking for April 13 AGM, if not an AGM then this is our next Chamber Meeting that will be hosted at Knee Deep Bar and Grill.
- All High River Chamber members are invited
- Join our Newsletter to stay informed: to the video to learn more about local programs, business groups and some exciting new events coming up locally!